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July 17, 2023

Enhancing Cheekbones with Dermal Fillers

Enhancing Cheekbones with Dermal Fillers and Botox in Edmonton 

Defined cheekbones are a coveted facial feature that can enhance overall facial aesthetics and create a youthful and sculpted appearance. While genetics play a significant role in cheekbone definition, age-related volume loss can cause a flattened or sunken appearance. Fortunately, dermal fillers and Botox in Edmonton can offer a non-surgical solution to enhance cheekbones, restoring volume and adding definition. 

Learn all about the use of dermal fillers to enhance cheekbones, the benefits of this procedure, the process involved, and considerations to keep in mind.

The Benefits of Enhancing Cheekbones with Dermal Fillers

  1. Restoring Volume: As we age, the natural fat pads in the cheeks can diminish, leading to a loss of volume and a sunken appearance. Dermal fillers can effectively restore lost volume, plumping up the cheeks and creating a more youthful and rejuvenated look.
  2. Improved Facial Proportions: Well-defined cheekbones can improve facial proportions and create a balanced and harmonious appearance. Enhancing the cheekbones can help create a more balanced facial profile, bringing attention to the mid-face area.
  3. Lift and Contour: Dermal fillers can lift and contour the cheeks, creating a subtle lifting effect on the lower face. This can help reduce the appearance of sagging skin and jowls, resulting in a more defined and lifted facial contour.

The Process of Enhancing Cheekbones with Dermal Fillers

  1. Consultation: The process begins with a consultation with a qualified and experienced aesthetic practitioner. During the consultation, the practitioner will assess your facial anatomy, discuss your aesthetic goals, and determine the most suitable dermal filler for your needs.
  2. Preparing the Treatment Area: Before the procedure, the treatment area will be cleansed, and a topical numbing cream may be applied to minimize any discomfort during the injection process.
  3. Injection of Dermal Fillers: Using a very fine needle or cannula, the dermal filler is carefully injected into the targeted areas of the cheeks. The practitioner will use their expertise to ensure precise placement and natural-looking results.
  4. Sculpting and Massaging: After the injection, the practitioner will sculpt and massage the area to ensure the even distribution of the filler and to achieve the desired shape and contour.
  5. Recovery and Results: There is minimal downtime associated with dermal filler treatments. Some mild swelling or bruising may occur, but this typically subsides within a few days. The results of cheekbone enhancement with dermal fillers are immediate, and you can enjoy a more defined and lifted appearance right after the procedure.

Considerations for Cheekbone Enhancement with Dermal Fillers

  1. Choosing a Qualified Practitioner: It is crucial to select a qualified and experienced practitioner for any dermal filler treatment. Choose a professional who is skilled in facial anatomy and has a proven track record of delivering safe and natural-looking results.
  2. Dermal Filler Type: There are various types of dermal fillers available, each with unique characteristics and properties. Your practitioner will recommend the most suitable filler based on your specific needs and desired results.
  3. Longevity of Results: The duration of results varies depending on the type of dermal filler used and individual factors such as metabolism. In general, cheekbone enhancement with dermal fillers can last from 6 to 18 months. Periodic maintenance treatments may be required to maintain the desired results.


Enhancing cheekbones with dermal fillers and Botox in Edmonton offers a non-surgical and effective solution to restore volume, lift, and contour the mid-face area. By adding definition and balance to the cheeks, dermal fillers can create a more youthful and sculpted appearance. This non-invasive procedure requires minimal downtime, and results are immediately visible. When considering cheekbone enhancement with dermal fillers, it is essential to choose a qualified practitioner and discuss your aesthetic goals during a comprehensive consultation. With the expertise of a skilled practitioner, you can achieve natural-looking and harmonious results, enhancing your facial aesthetics and boosting your self-confidence.


At The Injectionist & Aesthetics, our team is dedicated to providing all of our clients with the safest and most advanced treatments. We believe in only using the best equipment and products for our lip fillers in edmonton and calgary, dermal fillers, botox, body contouring treatments, laser hair removal calgary, tattoo removal, microneedling edmonton and more. Our expert staff provides our clients with a welcoming and comfortable environment while also providing the best education about all our services. Our reputation and years in the industry ensure clients that they can put trust in our education and our gold standard leading medical grade equipment. No matter what service you decide to come to us for, we'll deliver amazing results at a great price. Book an appointment with our team today to see how we can help.